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Tax Structure Analysis Report

Tax Structure Analysis Report

Tax Structure Analysis Report Press Release

Tax Calculator

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Informative Links

City of Philadelphia Revenue Department: Plain Talk Tax Guide

New York City Independent Budget Office: Taxing Metropolis: Tax Effort and Tax Capacity in Large U.S. Cities

District of Columbia Office of Research and Analysis: Tax Rates and Tax Burdens in the District of Columbia - A Nationwide Comparison, 1999

State and Local Tax Burdens in the Philadelphia Region





"I am pleased to announce the publication of the City Controller's Office's Tax Structure Analysis Report. More than a year in the making, the document reviews the role the city's tax structure plays in driving residents and employers from Philadelphia, analyzes theoretical and empirical perspectives on taxation, and evaluates the city's taxes and tax rates in comparison with rival cities and surrounding jurisdictions. As a product, the report proposes the elements of a new tax structure for Philadelphia designed to attract and retain jobs and residents.

I look forward to working with the Mayor, City Council, and the citizenry to create a new tax structure for Philadelphia that will fund our city's needs, be fair to taxpayers, and further the city's goals of economic development and neighborhood transformation. I am confident that, with the right support, our collective efforts will result in positive change for Philadelphia."

Jonathan A. Saidel

