China - initiate, design, and part of the Organizing Committee for the Global Eco Expo and Green Forum - On Ecological Protection and Green Industry China 2005. Partners include United Nations Education, Science, & Cultural Organization(UNESCO), Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations (CCC/UN), EcoEarth Alliance UN Partnership Initiative (EEA), Global Eco-Restoration & Development Foundation, and International Eco Expo Inc, USA
Nigeria - The goal is to develop a new model of design, restoration and urban planning called 'The Green City Program' for Odi that would in its first phase adequately provide a minimum of 5,000 households affordable housing, over a five year period. Eventually, it is the hope that this plan would continue for the remaining 55,000 homeless residents of the village in the future.
North/South New Trade Initiative - Clean Cotton Campaign for Africa - The objective of the Clean Cotton Campaign for Africa is to establish a North/South green trade initiative developed and designed by Earth Rights Institute that will bring economic prosperity and sustainable development to the Western African nations that rely on cotton production. By shifting their cotton production towards a greener farming method, they will not only be able to ensure a market to sell their cotton crop at a fair price but they will be able to restore their environment. ERI will consult on how to develop a secure green cotton market between the farmers, buyers and conscious consumers. By coming up with a label that promotes fair trade and healthier farming methods, the goal is to improve the farmer's conditions in Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali.
Other countries already expressed interest in initiating a 'green' agenda program are: Israel, Former Yugoslavia, Brazil, Congo, Senegal, Nepal, India, and American Samoa.
Democratic Republic of Congo - The vision for the Earth Rights Institute and Jatukik Province Foundation Partnership initiative is to implement an eco-development and eco-restoration plan for the region of the State of Bandundu Province in the DRC. Earth Rights Institute and Jatukik Providence Foundation will assist and promote an ‘holistic’ sustainable community development program. The first phase of the program will be to create the first EcoVillage Living and Learning center in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This will set as a role model for change that helps eradicate poverty, reduce disparities in living conditions and manage development and the environment in a balanced and sustained manner. This project will be linked to a larger conservation program in the Congo Basin called the Bonobo Conservation Initiative.