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Land Rights and Land Value Capture Course

Land Value Capture is one of the pro poor land tools identified by the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) facilitated by United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT). The tools identified by the network are to facilitate the attainment of the Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals through improved land tenure, management and public finance for poverty alleviation. It is crucial that concrete tools related to land and secure tenure be developed and provided to e.g. community leaders concerned about land issues.

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Course Overview

Module 1: Land Rights and Poverty (14 pages)
Introduction * Thinking About Land Rights * Reasons for Claims to Surface Land and Other Natural Resources * Concluding Quotes

Module 2: Land Prices and the Law of Land Rent (15 pages)
The Problem of the Modern World * The Enclosures * The Problem of Treating Land as a Market Commodity * Definitions of Basic Terms * The Law of Land Rent * Addendum: More on Enclosures

Module 3: Land Value Capture (31 pages)
Land Value Capture: “Third Way” Economics * Land Value Capture is a Sufficient Source of Public Finance * Rent-Seeking * Real Estate Speculation and Land Price Bubbles * Ancient Truths, Ancient Roots * Land Value Capture and Improving Conditions of Slum Dwellers * Land Value Capture as a Planning Tool * Land Value Capture Can Easily Fund Infrastructure * Land Value Capture and Gender * Land Value Capture: Rural Land and Agriculture * Tax Bads, Not Goods! – Integrated Green Tax Shift * Land Value Capture and Climate Change

Module 4: Land Value Capture and the Economics of War and Peace (16 pages)
Essentials of Economic Rent and a War Economy * Privilege Fund Enables War System * Transforming the Privilege Fund * Land Value Capture and Conflict Resolution * Israel and Palestine * Jammu and Kashmir * Northern Ireland * Rwanda * Chiapas, Mexico * Appalachian Region, United States * Decentralization and Geo-Confederation * Policy Conclusions

Module 5: Implementation (32 pages)
Mobilizing Citizen Campaigns * Land Titles * Using Information Technology * Components of a Land Value Capture System * Gradual Shift and Revenue Neutral Initially* Monitoring and Evaluation* Land Value Assessment * Principles of Valuation * Factors Contributing to Land Value * Procedures for Analysis of Data * Methods Used to Analyze and Assess Land Value * Land Value Maps * Computer Estimated Land Values * Next Steps